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Aquanet Power showcases its 1MW airWAVE turbine and PTO system at AWTEC 2018

16 Sep 2018

As one of the main sponsors of the AWTEC Conference 2018, Aquanet Power successfully showcased its 1MW airWAVE turbine and power take-off (PTO) system to a group of delegates during their visits to Aquanet Power’s 1MW bi directional wind tunnel test facility in Taoyuan, Taiwan.


Aquanet Power’s Test Facility is unique in that it can use met ocean data from any site in the world to determine how the PTO and the “airWAVE” turbine would perform at that site.  The algorithm uses the met ocean data provided for a specific location to create similar air flow characteristics that the turbine would experience in that location from the rise and fall of the swell in that location. This enables realistic measurement of the PTO’s performance in the real time at full scale. Additionally, the test facility allows fine tuning and optimization of PTO’s energy conversion prior to its deployment at sea.


Ali Baghaei (CEO of Aquanet Power) was on site at the Aquanet Power Test Centre to welcome the delegates from the conference and oversee the demonstration.


“It is a pleasure that we can show our colleagues from the conference the summation of all our efforts over the last several years to demonstrate our patented turbine and PTO units working at full 1MW scale.” said Mr Baghaei.


He went on to say, ”We are delighted to have had the opportunity to sponsor the AWTEC 2018 conference in Taiwan and reveal the significant capability of our working turbine in connection with the PTO unit to thought leaders within the sector. The knowledge we have developed at the Test Facility is invaluable. It has helped us to integrate our airWAVE turbine and PTO to achieve the most efficient outcome before commercial deployment at sea.”


Due to the recent storms and restricted high voltage grid availability, the PTO was demonstrated in real time on 13 September 2018. With less than 3kPa, the turbine ran up to 400rpm in just a few seconds. Delegates witnessed the turbine taking over ten minutes to come to a stand still at the end of the demonstration. “This shows how well the 8 tonne rotating machine is designed and balanced, in that it responds swiftly to the incoming air flow but more importantly, it stores the energy for such a long time.

This patented technology is now leading the way towards wave energy deployment at commercial scale”.


The company looks forward to harnessing current opportunities for commercial demonstrations in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas.

Aquanet Power and Innosea join forces on wave energy projects

05 Sep 2018

The Hong Kong-based Aquanet Power and France-headquartered Innosea have signed a partnership agreement to collaborate on further enhancement of Aquanet’s wave energy technology and global project development......

Ali Baghaei, CEO & MD of Aquanet Power, said: “With valuable experience and know how gained by Aquanet Power team over the past decades and substantial expertise offered by Innosea, cost-effective and viable solutions will be formulated by the joint team. The fully validated designs will help to shape up the path to commercial wave energy technology conversion.”

Hakim Mouslim, CEO of Innosea, added: “We are delighted to be using our knowledge of offshore power technology experience to support Aquanet Power in the final stages of their commercial scale device demonstration projects. The collaboration will utilize our experienced multidisciplinary engineering team to further provide our expertise for the development of wave energy in the nearshore and offshore environment.”....

Aquanet Power presented in BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of Ocean 2017

02 Nov 2017

Aquanet Power was invited to the recent Annual World Congress of Ocean held in Shenzhen, China on 3-5 November 2017 to present its versatile energy and fresh water producing breakwater wall from the ocean waves and Aquanet’s clear path to bringing its wave energy conversion technology to market.


The audience have expressed great interest for this state-of-the-art solution that can tackle modern challenges at very attractive fresh water production cost levels and how it offers a solution for alternative renewable energy storage by producing fresh water with the power generated at off peak rates.


The audience were impressed by Aquanet’s technology readiness level and many have shown interest to visit our 1MW test facility in Taiwan.  This test facility is the first of its kind as it allows a full scale 1MW turbine to be fully tested before being deployed at sea.


If you are interested in getting further information, please contact us at

Aquanet Power presented in Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) 2017 in Nantes, France Conference

24 Oct 2017

At the recent Ocean Energy Europe conference in Nantes (France) Aquanet Power took the opportunity to announce the successful deployment of their 1MW test facility in Taiwan.  This test facility is the first of its kind as it allows a full scale 1MW turbine to be fully tested before being deployed at sea.  The test facility is equipped with simulation capabilities, replicating the air pressures generated in the Oscillation Water Column (OWC).  It can also take Metocean data from any site in the world and use it to accurately predict the power generated by the turbine at that location.  This is a major breakthrough in the validation of full scale performance of a wave energy device and in allowing suitable sites to be correctly identified...

Please contact us at for the further information.

*Ocean Energy Europe Nantes conference 2017 “PTO – Have we cracked it?” session.

In the picture on the left. From left to right; Alexander Martha – Nemos, Kieran O’Brien – Carnegie, Richard Linley – Aquanet Power, Luca Castellini – Umbra, Patrik Moller – Corpower, Henry Jeffrey (at lecturn) – University of Edinburgh.*

09 Oct 2017

Aquanet Power's "first of its kind full scale 1MW air turbine power take-off system fully tested in a bi-directional wind tunnel" Industry Showcase editorial on the Autumn 2017 edition of Wave & Tidal Magazine!

14 Sep 2017

Aquanet Power has commissioned a full-scale 1MW air turbine power take-off (PTO) system.

Hong Kong-based clean technology developer Aquanet Power informed it concluded the trials of the 1MW PTO in its newly constructed full-scale wind tunnel test facility in Taoyuan in Taiwan.

The facility was purpose-built to replicate various characteristics of both regular and irregular wave conditions in order to validate and optimize the PTO system for operations in any sea conditions.

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